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Quality of Essential Oils

Essential Oils fall into 1 of 4 categories:

A Grade: Is for therapeutic use.  They are made from organically grown plants and distilled at low temperatures.              

B Grade: Are food grade, but many of these contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders, or carrier oils

C Grade: Are perfume oils that often contain chemicals.  They usually contain solvents, for example – hexane (to gain a higher yield per harvest).  Solvents can be cancerous, and are in many commonly sold oils.  They may also be 80-95% diluted with alcohol.

D Grade: Is called ‘flower water’, which is aromatic only and is usually a by-product of A Grade distillation.  After all the oil is pulled out, the leftover waste water is sold to companies which fill 5% of the bottle with this ‘leftover waste water’, fill the rest with carriers, and label it “pure”.

A Grade is the only true pure Essential Oil and YL Essential Oils that we are experiencing today, are A Grade oils.  Using a D Grade oil would be like taking a glass of fresh orange juice and diluting it 95% before you drink it!  It wouldn’t have the full benefits of fresh orange juice. 

Young Living farms

Stand apart in the essential oils industry and set the standard for planting, growing, harvesting, distilling, and producing essential oils. That’s why our essential oil farms play such an integral role in our Seed to Seal® quality commitment, which commits us to providing pure, potent essential oils to homes across the world. We’ve invested unprecedented time and resources to ensure that our quality standards are prioritised at each of our corporate-owned farms, partner farms, and Seed to Seal-certified suppliers, so your home and family gets the very best nature has to offer.

Young Living Essential Oils Scientific Advisory Council

Provides valuable insight into the development of our pioneering essential oils and oil-infused products. This professional organisation comprises prominent scientific professionals from around the globe, uniting years of experience in natural products. The council’s unmatched leadership, expertise, and passion for essential oil innovation is redefining the way the world thinks about wellness.

Young Living’s founder, Gary Young was known for this saying – “I don’t make a product for profit, I make a product for a purpose.”  … And to me that says it all.